Monday, August 25, 2008

We laughed and laughed!

Hello to those who read this nonsense stuff. How are you all?

Well, Sunday morning I was looking in the mirror (ugh) and complaining about my ever-increasing wrinkles. I said, loudly, well, sort of loudly, "I'm soooo ugly. Man, these wrinkles just keep getting deeper." Grandpa heard me and said, "You're not ugly. You're better than ugly." Oh, how we laughed...Aunt Jana and I. What a kick. I don't know what "better than ugly" means, but it's better than ugly. ha ha ha ha. Come smile. That was funny. You know, since Nikki left, I have to pluck the 'chin hairs' myself. Revolting look into the magnifying mirror.

By the way, Nikki, everyone asks about you. They miss you, but they are happy for you.

Our ward had a luau Saturday evening. Very good turn-out. Good food - two roasted pigs (sad to see their faces there), lots of fruit and rice, potato salad, teriaki and curry chicken. Plenty of food. For dessert - triffle. Very nice.

Aunt Debbie came over with Jamie's son, Daniel, Friday afternoon. Oh, yeah, that was quite a day. I got a call in the morning saying that the men were coming to put in the new windows. Oh, no. I didn't know anything about them coming. I was on my way to take Grandpa to the doctor. I wasn't ready. I couldn't let them in grandpa's room without vacuuming it!!!! The girl in the office had called a week earlier but grandpa took the call and forgot to tell me about it. Anyway, I let them come at noon. That gave me an hour (after the dr. appt) to move the bed and vacuum. What a mess. Oh, well, it's done now. But -- the dust bunnies had made a whole town under his bed. Whew. Bad, bad, bad.

Our choir sang at church yesterday and one of the ladies I visit, told me that it was the best she's ever heard the choir do. She complimented me on my playing, also. I DO think I get better as I do more. It's good for me, and I don't miss the "singing" as much as I thought I would. Music is music, I guess.

I've been taking Aunt Bev to her doctor appointments lately. We laugh a lot and I don't contend with her. It's easier for me to just keep quiet. But, the funny thing I noticed, was that her skin is sooooo pink! And mine is sooooo yellow and green! We laughed together on that one. We are so much alike in our food choices and our sense of humor, but different in other ways. I wish she could go shopping and have lunch occasionally. We did stop for a milkshake, though, the last time I took her. That was nice. Hey, she even paid for it. How great was that?!

Guess I'll get started with some indexing. Haven't done any today. I like doing it in the morning so I won't have to think about it the rest of the day.

Aunt Jana and Uncle Rich are moving, for sure, to Grass Valley. They are having their records moved to the Grass Valley Ward. If she gets work down here, then we'll worry about that later. I love you all. I'm proud of your accomplishments and endeavors. Life isn't easy, but we just have to keep working toward our goals.

I don't know if I mentioned my injured toe. I was moving my big recliner chair and it caught my big toe nail. It was lifted right off the nail bed - attached only at the cuticle. It's black, but doesn't hurt. I think it doen't hurt because blood isn't trapped under the nail. It can ooze out.
The doctor checked it when I was there for grandpa, and he just stated that I would lose the nail. I already knew that!

Well, bye for now. Love you.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Another piano?!? Oh, no!!!

Well, just a note to tell you about my new piano. Brother Blatnik from our ward has told me several times about his old German piano in his garage. Last week he told me that if I wanted it, he would give it to me. could I pass that up.

So --- this morning I went to see it. He hadn't uncovered it for 30+ years. He moved his car and we took the heavy cover off of it and it was amazing. The finish (at least what we could see) was shiny and nice. I couldn't see all of it, but what I saw, I liked!!!

You know how some pianos have three panels in front? Well, on each side of the middle panel, is a place to hold a candle for light. I can hardly wait to set it out where I can really see. The ivories are all there but they are sooo yellowed from not being in the light. I think they may lighten up a bit when left uncovered.

I called a piano technician when I got home and he feels I should have it inspected before moving it. Maybe he's right. It is sitting across a dolly so that it can be moved. I hope I don't bring home a nest of spiders. Yeck!! Well, are you all saying - "Oh, no. Not another piano!" Or - are you saying - "Sounds like Mom, (Granny). I can hardly wait to see it myself." Where am I going to put it? Well, I really thinking about that one. ha ha. I could relocate the organ and put it in the living room next to my other piano. Or, if I could get it down the hall, I could put it in my bedroom (unlikely). But, you can be sure, I will find a spot. Maybe, take out the counter in the utility room and put the organ in there. Or Skip would like the organ. Maybe it's time to give to someone who may use it more than I have lately.

If you have a suggestion (besides leaving it there) let's hear it. But, I think you will really like it. It's very beautiful. Haven't seen the back, yet, though. I think I will call the piano guy and ask him to inspect it. It'll cost $45.

Oh, I have to tell you about a funny thing Grandpa said. He put cereal in his bowl, as usual, and when I said that he shouldn't mash it down, he told me that it was in the directions that he was supposed to do that. I asked him to show me where, but he didn't. And, he didn't stop mashing the cereal down. ha ha

Love you all, Granny

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Saturday, Aug 2 2008

Hi to all,

Grandpa's 80th birthday party was a success! Thanks to everyone who helped and attended. At the time, I don't think he really realized that the party was for him. But when I asked him about it today, he said he remembered it and that it was at the meetinghouse.

Yesterday was a bad day for Grandpa. He was very weak and slept much of the day. He slept through the sales pitch of the window man. Yes, I am going to replace the rest of the windows. I'm not happy about spending money, but it will feel good to have them done.

I still haven't gotten the half-bath made over, but it shouldn't be too long. However, while Ron and his family were here (the second time) they got a lot done. A dishwashed and garbage disposal are now installed in Aunt Alice's house (Taylor & Sam); Heather put handles on all of the kitchen cabinet drawers and doors in my house; Aaron worked on the sprinklers; Ron helped in the garage, making room for a work area. Also, the drill press I purchased a while back (quite a while) is now put together. I started it, but the boys finished it. That was good. Thanks to all. And you know what --- I never would have been able to cook for a huge crowd without Heather's help. She really knows her stuff. ha ha

Everyone pitched in to clean Aunt Alice's house before leaving to go home. I called the guy who has been cleaning my carpets for years, and I guess they went out of business. Now, who do I call? I hate training someone new. It's like getting a new doctor -- you have to train them all over.

Since everyone left, I am lonesome. I don't have anyone running in and out of the house!!! When I go next door, it's all empty and quiet. What a bummer!!!! Stephanie has asked about renting the small house. Maybe what I ought to do is move over there and rent this one out. Jana and Rich still don't know what they are going to do. She is looking for work down here. I imagine with the postal system still.

I'm not feeling very funny today. Rats! Guess you won't be intertained this time. I DO remember the first time I met Grandpa's family. It was in Jackson, MS. When I was introduced to Uncle George, I put forth my hand to shake his, but he gave me a hug, instead, and kissed me on the cheek. So...... when I was introduced to Uncle John, I didn't offer my hand because I knew that he would give me a hug, also. Hey! You're getting ahead of the story. No, he didn't offer his hand (fooled you, huh?). He stepped forward to give me a hug, but when he did, he stepped on my foot and didn't realize it. So, he hugged me, gave a kiss, and talked with me a little all while standing on my foot. Funny, huh? In his defense, we were on the lawn, which was soft, and he didn't feel my foot under his foot. But, it's a funny story and I grin when I think of it. Uncle John was the only other one married at the time, and he and Aunt Bettye had one daughter, Marguerite. I think she was about five years at the time. She called me Aunt Flo. Of course, the term "Aunt" was pronounced "aynt" - long A sound. She was a cutie and her hair was super curly, with ringlets (like pincurls) all over her head.

Had another funny dream. It had something to do with Nikki and Hannah Montana. I laughed when I woke up. What was Hannah Montana doing in my dream? ha ha

Well, have a good day. Love you all.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Oh, boy!!! My grandkids get me into all kinds of trouble. Whew. Guess this old (oops!), I mean -- retired person who has lived for a long time -- can still learn a few new tricks. Tee hee.

Well, I finally got out of the pioneer mode in my bathroom. Nooooo, I didn't have it updated, yet. After six days, I finally called in a plumber to unclog the bathtub drain. And --- no, I haven't gone that long without bathing. I just KNEW you were thinking that. I may be married to grandpa, but I don't spare the water like he does. haha. I actually got used to bathing as the pioneers did. You know -- basin of water, soap and washcloth. Yep, I've almost got it down to a science. I can take fast showers, but I got pretty good at "pioneer bathing" too.

Man, you should have seen the dining table. We had to take out the shelves in the linen closet to get access to the pipes in the wall at the back of the tub. So, where could I put all the quilts, sheets, pillowcases and towels, etc, etc, etc. but on the dining table? We lived like that for five days. Yes, of course Grandpa complained --at first. But I cleared a small space for him to do his bloodwork and put his placemat for his meals and he was okay!

Finally, today, I re-attached the panel in the back of the linen closet, re-installed the shelves, and --you guessed it -- put the quilts, pillowcases, towels, and sheets, etc, etc, etc. back on the shelves. Too bad you will miss grandpa's facial expression when he gets up from his nap.

Linda should be here this evening. I'm going to fix chicken and pasta salad for dinner. Come on over and help me eat it. Well, guess that's it for today. Granny

And She's Off

This is Christy! Nikki and I decided that Granny needed to have a blog! We would love to hear all the fun and silly things that Granny has to say about her and Grandpa. We love her sooooo much we hope that you have a fun time reading her posts too!